Online Equipment Store

Medical Supplies For Ideal Healthcare

Coast Health a trusted healthcare brand presents to you a select range of quality tested medical equipment ideal for monitoring and maintaining your wellness quotient.

Preparing You To Ace The Game

Welcome To Coast Health

In order to be in the pink of health it is essential to trace the underlying health concerns, keep a track of your wellness at regular intervals and take necessary initiative to nip the issue in the bud. Coast Health is a leading healthcare brand introducing a range of medical supplies high on functionality and effectiveness respectively, which may help promote the overall quality of life.

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Bestsellers Of The Month

We bring to you a range of medical equipment to help you keep a track of vital health parameters in the comfort of your own home - including finger pulse oximeter, medical supplies bag and more.

  • Alternating Pressure Pad


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  • Positioning Bed Pad with Handles


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Healthier You

With Coast Health

Amidst the daily rush, stress takes a major toll on us. It is essential to keep our vitals on check, eat healthy and design a lifestyle centering wellness.

Coast Health is an exclusive store presenting medical equipment to keep a tab on our vitals that help us make healthy choices that have been professionally designed to enhance your overall health.

Most Trusted By the customer

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Trace the underlying health concerns, keep a track of your wellness at regular intervals and take initiative towards a fit and fab tomorrow!

Alternating Pressure Pad + Positioning Bed Pad


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Positioning Bed Pad with Handles


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Back Brace + Medical Bag + Pulse Oximeter


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Universal Senior Bed Rail Elderly Assist


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